The Great Barrier Reef Foundation partnered with Snapchat to launch a global campaign to help protect the reef system from the impacts of climate change. The world’s largest living coral system is under threat from climate change with marine heatwaves triggering three mass bleaching events on the Great Barrier Reef in five years, reducing shallow-water coral reefs by as much as 50%.
The Foundation & Snapchat set out to deliver a powerful message:
Remove the Barriers. Protect the Reef.
Through the first-ever AR Pledge and new water-segmentation technology, the team demonstrated the impact of climate change on the Reef and how Australians could protect it. The pledge raised awareness about the dangers to the Reef, drove urgent action from the Australian people & government and helped the Foundation achieve its goal of planting one million new corals.
My Role: I championed this project internally at Snap – empowering the Sydney–based Creative Strategist (Maddie Moore) who conceived this idea and Producer (Chris Lewis) who was her partner in execution. Maddie, Chris & I shaped this platform from a local pitch into a major marketing initiative for Snapchat – grounded in the company’s mission to help its community learn about the world through its technology.
91MM impressions
Nearly 1MM Pledges to Protect the Reef
Over 1MM new corals planted